prodigy promos employee appreciate pt 1 blog

Swag Ideas to Uplift Your Company Culture: Part One

If you have a company filled with happy employees then your business is probably doing extremely well. Happy workers are more productive, which, naturally, leads to happier clients. Happy workers feel more connected to their job and their team members, which can organically create a positive company culture. If you’ve ever wondered how you can set your business apart or why some companies always seem to be a step ahead of the competition, their internal culture may be the answer.

Companies that show appreciation for their employees experience less turnover as well as higher rates of revenue growth. However, if your company works in a hybrid or fully remote environment, you know it can be more difficult to express your gratitude verbally. In these instances, it’s even more important to find a way to uplift your company culture.

There are many ways you can advance and improve, so we encourage everyone to do their own research. However, here are Prodigy Promos we specialize in material appreciation (AKA swag). We happen to think that swag is a tangible way to demonstrate appreciation. Think of it as the business love language of gift giving. 

In the world of swag there are endless ideas so we wanted to break this blog into two parts to provide as many suggestions as possible. Here are four ideas for you, and there will be another four ideas listed in part two — stay tuned!

Employee Appreciation Care Swag

One way to show appreciation for employees is to send them gifts centered on their personal comfort. Do you have employees that love to sip on coffee or tea before or after a busy work day? A branded mug would be the perfect addition to their collection. Do you want to help employees spruce up their desks, whether it’s at the office or at home? Send them a planted pot with your company’s logo. And, of course, a reusable water bottle will help employees stay hydrated throughout the day.

Game Night Swag

Everyone loves a fun game night! The best part about this swag box is that employees can use these items at home or during a company-wide happy hour as well. You can’t go wrong with sending them some branded pub glasses, a few coasters, and some delicious snacks.

Fitness Swag

Whether employees are remote or not a big part of their own mental health relies on staying physically active. Everyone has their own idea of what a fun physical activity is, so you can play it safe with this box. A company-branded tank top, baseball cap, fitness towel, and water bottle can be used for almost any activity, from yoga to hiking to marathon running.

Cooking Night Swag

Ever since the pandemic companies have started getting creative when it comes to their events. There’s been a rise in virtual cooking classes lately, and employees are loving it. If you’re considering doing this at your organization, send employees some things they can use for this event: wine tumblers, aprons, cutting boards, kitchen towels, and more. After your company event is over, employees can use these items over and over again!

We hope these examples inspire some fun ideas you can use at your company to help enhance your company culture! We’ll be posting part two to our website, so keep an eye out for even more swag ideas.


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